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Ultrahuman discount code & coupons for February 2025

Use the code HERMINA10 for 10% off.

To apply a discount code when purchasing the Ultrahuman Ring AIR, follow this one step
1. Visit the Ultrahuman Website: https://www.ultrahuman.com.

And you will see that the discount code is applied. If it hasn’t, then follow the steps below to apply the discount code. 

2. Select Your Product: Choose the Ultrahuman Ring AIR and add it to your shopping cart.
3. Proceed to Checkout: Click on your cart and proceed to the checkout page.
4. Enter the Discount Code:
On the checkout page, locate the field labeled “Promo Code” or “Discount Code.”
Enter the code HERMINA10 to receive a 10% discount on your purchase.  
5. Apply the Code: After entering the code, click on the “Apply” button to ensure the discount is applied to your total.
6. Complete Your Purchase: Once the discount has been applied, proceed with the payment process to finalise your order.


A couple of months ago I went to an event from Clinique with a friend. We met up in Amsterdam and went to the opening together. There were already some people, but luckily we were early there so we could look around without having to push our self through the crowd. We even got the chance to let this lovely woman write our name on the bottle. You could choose the type of style you wanted your name to be written, looks pretty cool, huh? Also you could walk around, try their products out, ask questions about it and also get some advice on what to use for your skin type. I also bought some products from Clinique, because I heard good things about it.  After taking some pictures and looking around we went to 'Shabu to go' to have some poke bowl and sushi! I'm always in for sushi :-) And tomorrow they are having another event which I will be attending. Super excited because this time it's about make-up!

Thrifted IKEA Hemnes makeover

*picture on the right is from the IKEA website
I always wanted to have that antique kind of look dressoir, but after searching the costs of it made me realise that there might be a way to hack that ‘expensieve’ look without spending a lot of money. Would you believe me that I bought these items for €30,-! What a steal right? I got them both from 
Marktplaats, you can compare it with Craigslist. The dressoir if From IKEA you can get it for €129,-




I was at the press event of River Island last week. Their collection was made up of different pieces of clothing. My favorite one is the powder pink coat which you can see on the 2nd picture. The coat reaches all the way to the ground, which will be too long for most women. And of course I vlogged that day. Although the video is more of an impression video than anything else. I hope you'll enjoy watching it!

Vorige week bezocht ik een persevenement van River Island. De collectie bestond uit verschillende kledingstukken, zoals je kunt zien. Mijn favoriete kledingstuk van de ghele collectie is die poederroze jas die jullie op de 2e foto kunnen zien. Die jas komt wel helemaal tot de grond, wat voor de meesten te lang zal zijn. Natuurlijk heb ik ook gevlogd die dag. Alhoewel het meer een video is geworden die de sfeer daar laat zien. Hopelijk vinden jullie het leuk om te zien!



I'm back in The Netherlands, but I have a lot of pictures to share with you guys. So my blog will be American themed since I'm still suffering from jet lag and need to take care of a lot of things. I'll try to post outfit pictures as well. So here we go! I went to the city walk with my little cousins and their mother and trust me, if you want to go there go when it's dark outside. Pretty much everything is prettier at night in America, thanks to all the scenic lights there. We just walked there, took some pictures and at the big world ball we met Mario Lopez from 'Saved by the Bell'. Oh, I loved that show! I used to watch it when I was younger. Anyway, they were filming there for a show or something. I was part of the audience standing behind him, so I probably could have seen myself on television. After that we went to a restaurant and ordered some food.

Ik ben weer terug in Nederland en ik heb een heleboel foto's te delen met jullie. Dus mijn blog zal vooralsnog Amerikaans getint zijn, ook omdat ik nog last heb van een jetlag en ik veel dingen nog moet regelen. Ik zal proberen om ook outfit foto's te plaatsen. Ik ben naar de city walk geweest met mijn kleine nichtjes en hun moeder en geloof me, als je er naartoe wilt gaan, ga dan als het buiten donker is. Vrijwel alles in Amerika is mooier in het donker, dankzij alle sfeerverlichting. We liepen er gewoon rond, namen enkele foto's en bij het grote wereld bal ontmoetten we Maro Lopez van 'Saved by the Bell'. Oh, wat hield ik van die show! Toen ik nog klein was keek ik die serie altijd. Hoe dan ook, ze waren daar aan het filmen voor een show of iets dergelijks. Ik maakte deel uit van het publiek dat achter hem stond, dus waarschijnlijk ben ik ergens op de Amerikaanse buis terug te vinden. Daarna gingen we naar een restaurant en bestelde wat te eten.